BIM adoption : expectations across disciplines

This chapter presents a comprehensive analysis of the current stale of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in the Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Facility Management (AECIFM) industry and a re-assessment of its role and potential contribution in the near jiJture, g iven the apparent slow role of adoption by the induslty. The chapler analyses the readiness of the induslty wilh respect to the (1) tools, (2) processes and (3) people to position BIM adoplion in terms of currenl status and expeclations across disciplines. The findings are drawn from an ongoing research projecl fimded by /he Auslralian Cooperative Research Centre for Construction Jnnovalion (CRC-Cl) !hat aims at developing a technological, operational and strategic analysis of adopting BIM in the AECIFM induslty as a collaboralion platform