Draft Speciication of the Kqml Agent-communication Language plus Example Agent Policies and Architectures the Darpa Knowledge Sharing Initiative External Interfaces Working Group
This document is a draft of an initial speci cation for the KQML agent communication language being developed by the external interfaces working group of the DARPA Knowledge Sharing E ort. KQML is intendewd to be a high-level language to be used by knowledge-based system to share knowledge at run time. Notice of DRAFT status. This document presents the current draft of a speci cation under consideration by the DARPA Knowledge Sharing E ort. It is provided for information purposes, and should be treated as representing only the current status of discussions. It should not be interpreted as a nished product. This document should not be quoted or cited as representing the o cial position of DARPA, the Knowledge Sharing E ort, or any other organization. The speci cations herein are subject to change. To be placed on the distribution list for future releases of these documents, contact the authors or send electronic mail to Neches@ISI.edu. General comments. Send general comments on this document by email to the mailing list KQML-USERS@ISI.EDU. The current working group co-chairs can be reached as follows: Tim Finin, Computer Science, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore MD 21228. phone:410-455-3522, email: nin@cs.umbc.edu. Jaw Weber, Enterprise Integration Technologies Corporation, 459 Hamilton Avenue, Suite 100, Palo Alto, CA 94301 (415)617-8002. weber@eitech.com.
[1] M. R. Genesereth,et al. Knowledge Interchange Format Version 3.0 Reference Manual , 1992, LICS 1992.