Numerical calculation are made of internal friction due to the thermally activated formation of double-kinks (Seeger-Pare model), by applying the rate theory without making approximations. All the characteristics of the Bordoni relaxation are well explained by this model. In particular, a distribution of internal stresses and dislocation lengths leads to a peak broadening which may be of about 3 to 4. Besides, the model gives important non-linear effects: the stresses (internal or applied) must satisfy the Pare condition, the peak temperature is reduced when the stress increases, the peak is shifted towards high temperatures when the loop length increases and the relaxation strength presents a maximum as a function of stress.
Nous proposons une nouvelle approche du calcul numerique du frottement interieur dǔ a la formation thermiquement activee de doubles decrochements (modele de Seeger-Pare), en appliquant la theorie cinetique et sans faire d'approximations. Les caracteristiques de la relaxation de Bordoni sont correctement expliquees par ce modele. En particulier, une distribution des longueurs de dislocations et des contraintes internes entraǐne un elargissement du pic qui peut atteindre 3 ou 4. En outre, d'importants effets non lineaires peuvent ětre observes: les contraintes internes ou appliquees doivent remplir la condition de Pare, la temperature du pic decroǐt quand les contraintes augmentent, le pic est deplace vers les hautes temperatures lorsque la longueur des dislocations croǐt et l'intensite de relaxation peut presenter un maximum en fonction des contraintes (internes ou appliquees).
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Secondary features of the bordoni relaxation in aluminium
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Lattice Defects and Their Interactions
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Study of the Bordoni Internal Friction Peaks in Copper
A. Seeger.
LXV. On the theory of the low-temperature internal friction peak observed in metals