An Inquiry-Guided Learning Approach to Process Integration, Simulation, and Economics

Lale Yurttas received her Ph.D. degree in Chemical Engineering from Texas A&M University in 1988. She has worked as a research associate in Engineering and Biosciences Research Center and conducted research in areas of biomass conversion, protein folding and stability, and biological membrane thermodynamics until1996. She is currently a senior lecturer in Chemical Engineering Department at Texas A&M University and serves as the Assistant Department Head for the Undergraduate Program. She has extensive teaching experience in sophomore through senior level classes with excellent reviews. As a co-PI, she has received significant funding from NSF in engineering education and curriculum renewal. She serves as the advisor to the AIChE Student chapter which won the Outstanding Student Chapter Award in 2004, and 2009. She chairs the Students Affairs Committee and ABET Committee in the Chemical Engineering Department. She has received the Student AIChE Teacher of the Year award in 2003 and AIChE Mentor of the Year award in 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2008, and TAMU President’s Award for Academic Advising in 2007. Her current research interests are in engineering education; in particular in the areas of undergraduate curriculum reform, development, and assessment; incorporation of environmental sustainability; service learning; and development of online web modules for instruction.