The aim of this research was to check out what kind of fungi was present in eight samples of ipe-amarelo seeds (Tabebuia serratifola) and ipe-roxo (T. impetiginosa) collected from the region of Piracicaba, Mogi-Guacu and south of Minas Gerais (Lavras, Ijaci e Itumirim) and to determine the possible damages in the seedlings production of those species. The method used for the health test was the blotter test and, for the germination, gerbox had been used with paper substratum at temperature of 30oC under constant light regime. The seeds, as much in the health test as in the germination, tests were sub sampled in one part that was submitted to superficial desinfestation with sodium hypochlorite of, and one part that wasn't. The fungi transmission had been evaluated through lesions found in the seedlings, during the germination test. Sixteen fungi had been identified and quantified: Cladosporium sp., Alternaria alternata, Epicoccum sp., Phoma sp., Geotrichum sp., Penicillium sp., Trichothecium sp., Phomopsis sp., Drechslera sp., Aspergillus spp., Curvularia sp., Fusarium spp., Macrophomina phaseolina, Nigrospora sp., Lasiodiplodia theobroma and Septoria sp. In general , the asepsis provided a drastic reduction in the incidence of all fungi, in both species, with an avarege rate of 90%. Like this, it can be inferred that most of the fungi was contaminating the seeds. The percentage of normal seedlings had not been interfered directly by the fungi. The asepsis reduced the germination in 64%, indicatinwas fitotoxic. In the transmission it had been observed, on average, 17% and 10% of seedlings with symptoms, in the samples without asepsis and with asepsis, respectively. The most frequent fungi transmitted by the ipe-amarelo and ipe-roxo seeds had been: Alternaria alternata, Fusarium spp., Aspergillus spp., Phoma sp. and Phomopsis sp.
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Avaliação de métodos para quebra da dormência e para a desinfestação de sementes de canafístula (Peltophorum dubium (Sprengel) Taubert
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Influência de métodos de secagem na conservação de sementes de Ipê-branco
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Efeitos da assepsia superficial com diferentes agentes químicos na incidência de microrganismos em sementes de soja.
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Árvores brasileiras : manual de identificac̦ão e cultivo de plantas arbóreas nativas do Brasil
A. A. Henning,et al.
Problemas na avaliacao da germinacao de sementes de soja com alta incidencia de Phomopsis sp.