The “Rutgers Ankle” Orthopedic Rehabilitation Interface

This paper presents a novel ankle rehabilitation device currently under development. The haptic interface component has a Stewart platform structure with pneumatic actuators controlled by an electronic interface. It allows movement of the ankle though its full range of motion. The system communicates with a PC through an RS232 port. The PC will run game-like virtual reality exercises that control the movement and output forces of the device. These simulations will make exercising more enjoyable, transparently recording patient progress for evaluation by therapists. The “Rutgers Ankle” Orthopedic Rehabilitation Interface will facilitate the healing of one of the most often injured joints of the body. Inherently safe and easy-to-operate, it will combine the capabilities of many current rehabilitation devices. This system will enhance rehabilitation routines by providing three types of exercises: strengthening, stretching, and balancing. Eventually, this system will allow patients to exercise in their homes while being monitored remotely by therapists or physicians.