DLR-TAU Code - an Overview

The DLR-TAU Code is a CFD software package for solving the Euler or Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations (RANS) on hybrid grids. The main components of the TAU-Code are a preprocessing module, a compressible and a incompressible solver as well as an adaptation module. In addition, some utility programs are available. The support of tetrahedral, prismatic, pyramidal and hexahedral elements enables the use of efficient and flexible modern grid generators, enabling the generation of meshes for complex geometries within days. The resolution of flow features is taken automatically into account by the adaptation module for local refinement of the hybrid grids as well as for redistributing points in structured sublayers (composed of prisms or hexahedra) in order to adapt the mesh along wall-normal rays for an improved boundary-layer resolution. The initial or the adapted hybrid grids are input into the preprocessing module, which computes dual grids in an edge-based data structure. The dual grids are stored in partitions for parallel computations, as well as the different levels obtained by agglomeration of cells for the multigrid procedure. Steady or unsteady flow solutions for incompressible or compressible flows can be computed very time efficient, due to the use of multigrid, parallelization and vectorization. The chimera technique is available for the handling of several grids in relation motion. We present some selected results, which demonstrate the functionality, the performance and the accuracy of the TAU-Code