Study on ripple rejection for switching power supply

The ripple of switching power supply is defined.The reason of generating the ripple is analyzed.Several solutions to reject the ripple are proposed in this pepper.Aiming at a special switching power supply,the output stability of the switch power supply is described.This power supply which is used to drive semiconductor laser can output the 12 V voltage and 10 A current.Several methods of ripple rejection such as filtering,multi-channel superposition and so on are studied to reduce the ripple of output current and improve the stability of laser power.The integrated power supply is divided into two parts,the major power supply and minor power supply.The ripple signal which is collected in the major one will be send to the control end of minor one.That can make output ripple of major and minor ones smaller.This method can keep the ripple within 1% which was verified in experiments,and improve the performance of the power supply.