Message from the QPMHPC 2008 Workshop Chairs
We wish to extend a warm welcome to everyone attending the International Workshop on QoS and Performance Metrics in High Performance Computing (QPMHPC 2008), held in conjunction with the 10 th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC 2008). We would like to thank the HPCC 2008 Organizing Committee for providing us with this forum to bring together researchers and practitioners from across the world. Nonfunctional criteria of services are significant, for high performance computing to deliver its true value for the business. Quality of Service (QoS) in service management from business perspective is a broad concept, containing everything required to satisfy user and customer expectations. QoS has become a de facto standard for offering high performance computing. However, many quality challenges in this field remain unresolved especially when we want to integrate mobile devices in it. The workshop intends to give coverage to all the three major dimensions to QoS in any computing being the process, product and delivery with reference to high performance computing. As we develop more advanced architectures, it is essential that we address quality challenges to take maximum advantage of the technology behind them. In particular, as the computing marches toward pervasiveness supported by mobile devices, we need to address all issues in fulfillment of the SLA guarantees. Intense support by automated processes and tools is necessary to perform all the high performance management tasks efficiently. The objective of the workshop is to offer a platform for high-quality technical discussions on all relevant aspects of QoS and performance metrics in high performance computing. QPMHPC 2008 received many submissions representing many different countries. All submissions were carefully reviewed by at least three Program Committee members. To allocate as many papers as possible and also keep the high quality of the workshop, we finally decided to accept only three papers for oral technical presentation. We believe all of these papers and topics will not only provide novel ideas, new results, work in progress, and stateof-the-art techniques in this field but also stimulate future research activities in the area of high performance computing.