Digital Phase Lock Loops: Architectures and Applications

Preface. Acronyms. 1 General Review of Phase-Locked Loops. 1.1 Overview of Phase-Locked Synchronization Schemes. 1.2 The Synchronization Challenge. 1.3 Phase-Locked Loops. 1.3.1 Analog Phase-locked Loops. 1.3.2 PLL Basic Components. 1.3.3 PLL analysis. 1.4 Conclusions. 2 Digital Phase Lock Loops. 2.1 Introduction. 2.2 Classification of DPLLs. 2.3 Conclusion. 3 The Time-Delay Digital Tanlock Loops (TDTLs). 3.1 Introduction. 3.2 Structure and System Equation. 3.2.1 Structure of the TDTL. 3.2.2 System Equation. 3.2.3 The Characteristic Function. 3.3 System Analysis. 3.3.1 First-order TDTL. 3.3.2 Second-order TDTL. 3.4 Convergence Behavior of the Time-Delay Digital Tanlock Loop. 3.4.1 Convergence Behavior. 3.5 Conclusions. 4 Hilbert Transformer and Time-Delay. 4.1 Introduction. 4.2 Statistical Behavior of HT and Time-Delay in i.i.d. Additive Gaussian Noise. 4.2.1 Input-Output Relationships in the Presence of Noise. 4.2.2 Joint PDF of the Amplitude and Phase Random Variables. 4.2.3 PDF of the Phase Random Variable. 4.2.4 PDF of the Phase Noise. 4.2.5 Expectation and Variance of the Phase Noise. 4.2.6 The phase Estimator and Ranges of Cramer-Rao Bounds. 4.2.7 A Symmetric Transformation. 4.3 Conclusions. 5 The Time-delay Digital Tanlock Loop in Noise. 5.1 Introduction. 5.2 Noise Analysis of the TDTL. 5.2.1 System Equation. 5.2.2 Statistical Behavior of TDTL Phase Error Detector. 5.2.3 Phase Estimation and Cramer-Rao Bounds. 5.2.4 Statistical Behavior of the TDTL in Gaussian Noise. 5.3 Conclusions. 6 TDTL Architectures for Improved Performance. 6.1 Introduction. 6.2 Simulation Results of First-Order TDTL. 6.3 Improved First-Order TDTL Architectures. 6.3.1 Delay Switching Architecture. 6.3.2 Adaptive Gain Architecture. 6.3.3 Combined Delay Switching and Adaptive Gain. 6.3.4 Sample Sensing Adaptive Architecture. 6.3.5 Early Error Sensing Adaptive Architecture. 6.4 Simulation Results of Second-Order TDTL. 6.5 Improved Second-Order TDTL Architectures. 6.5.1 Adaptive Filter Coe_cients Second Order TDTL. 6.5.2 Adaptive Loop Gain Second-Order TDTL. 6.6 Variable Order TDTL Architecture. 6.7 Conclusions. 7 FPGA Reconfigurable TDTL. 7.1 Overview of Reconfigurable Systems. 7.2 FPGA Structure and Operation. 7.3 Xtreme DSP Development System. 7.4 TDTL FPGA Implementation. 7.4.1 The CORDIC Arctangent Block. 7.4.2 The Digital Controlled Oscillator. 7.4.3 The CORDIC Divider. 7.5 Real-Time TDTL Results. 7.5.1 First-Order TDTL. 7.5.2 Second-order TDTL. 7.5.3 Sample Sensing Adaptive TDTL. 7.6 Conclusions. 8 Selected Applications. 8.1 PM Demodulation Using the First-Order TDTL. 8.2 Performance in Gaussian Noise. 8.3 Simulation Results. 8.4 FSK and FM Demodulation. 8.5 Wideband FM Signal Detection. 8.6 Conclusions. Bibliography. Index.