Perspectives on Effectiveness of Gypsum Board over Sandcrete Block as Walling Material

Alternative material for construction of walls is gradually coming to stay in view of the scarce nature of traditional concrete material that is often being used. In the choice of suitable alternative walling material such as Gypsum board presented in this study, parameter such as cost, durability, shelf live among others need to be considered. It is based on this premises that perspectives on effectiveness of Gypsum board over sandcrete blocks as walling material. The analysis of the primary data received through the administered questionnaires was done using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), a software package developed for data analysis. Ninety-five (95) questionnaires were distributed to various construction organizations. · The data was analyzed using the Mean Index Score (MIS) method of ranking. the research showed that the use of gypsum wallboard will be beneficial in terms of time, ease of construction and handling; it is not yet manufactured in Nigeria and will require some special training for manufacture and installation by local technicians or artisans. the research showed that the board is durable especially for construction of non-load bearing walls as it is not subjected to too much stress so it can last for very long periods.Nine, the research proved that the effect of the Nigerian weather on the board is minimal. The board panels are used for internal walling and are not affected by the sun or rain or extreme temperatures and therefore are not damaged easily. The board however is affected by the foundation on which it stands: therefore, if the foundation is stable, failure free and water free, the gypsum panel wall also remains stable and damage free.