Biofeedback system and method presenting a color bar using brain waves

PURPOSE: A color presenting biofeedback system and a color presenting biofeedback method are provided to allow a user to easily and rapidly change his/her psychological state into the desired stable state. CONSTITUTION: A color presenting biofeedback method comprises a step(S202) of storing brain wave data; a step(S203) of cutting the brain wave data into frame units having predetermined lengths; a step(S204) of extracting particular information for each frame unit; a step(S206) of performing a vector quantization by using K-means algorithm; a step(S207) of creating a code book; a step(S208) of creating a code stream in accordance with the code book; a step(S209) of creating a hidden Markov Model by using the created code stream; a step(S210,S211) of detecting the distance between the particular information and the code book, and creating a code stream; a step(S212,S213) of comparing the created stream with the particular information, and selecting a model; and a step(S214) of displaying the pre-stored color information on the psychological state with respect to the selected model.