Textile Fibres in the Light of Modern Science

* An " inside story "in simple terms of the physicist’s attack on the problems of fibre Atructure. † Associate Professor of Textile Engineering, in charge of Textile Research, Mass. Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. "... the executive today of an important industry involving a complex technique should himself understand research to a sufficient extent to speak the language and to mix freely and usefully with research workers. It is ,just as necessary, in my opinion, for the modern executive to understand the examination of fibres under polarized light as to know the mechanics of a spinning frame or be able to read a balance sheet. Of course he cannot hope to know all the underlying optics, any more than he would attempt to operate personally any and all of the machines in his plants, or keep up with all of the intricacies of present day cost accounting systems; but he can understand those things which are important to his business, and this is now one of them." DR. VANNEVAR BUSH (Textile Research)