UChile1 2004 Team Description Paper

Department of Electrical Engineering, Universidad de Chilehttp://www.robocup.cljruizd@ing.uchile.clAbstract. The U-Chile-1 four-legged team is an effort of the Department ofElectrical Engineering of the University of Chile in order to foster research inrobotics at high level. U-Chile-1 is composed by a group of undergraduate andgraduate students of electrical engineering and computer science of ourengineering faculty. This document describes the relevant aspects of thesoftware that was developed from scratch, and is constantly being updated, byour team. The system has shown to be a relatively successful approach; we hadan acceptable participation in RoboCup 2003, our first participation in a worldsoccer robot championship. This year we have improved several aspects of ourU-Chile-1 software (mainly localization, actuation and strategy), and we havealso ported it to the new ERS 7 robots. All these aspects are here reported.