From Fractions to Rational Numbers of Arithmetic: A Reorganization Hypothesis.

Nathan and Arthur, 2 children in a 3-year teaching experiment on children's construction of the rational numbers of arithmetic (RNA), developed their operations for multiplying, dividing, and simplifying fractions over the last 2 years (Grades 4 and 5) of the experiment. The 2 children worked in the context of specially developed computer microworlds with a teacher/researcher for approximately 45 min a week for 50 weeks over the 2-year period. The children's construction of multiplicative fractional schemes was investigated in a retrospective analysis of each of the 50 videotaped teaching episodes. Four distinct modifications of the children's fractional schemes were discerned that contributed to their construction of the RNA. The investigation suggested that the operations and unit types associated with the children's whole-number sequences did not interfere with the reorganization of their fractional schemes but rather contributed to those schemes. The reorganization involved an integration of their who...