지진을 받는 1/2 축소 2층 철근콘크리트 라멘 구조물의 동적 거동에 ( Experimental Study of the Seismic Response of a two story Reinforced Concrete Frame Structure )

A two story reinforced concrete frame structure was built at a halt scale and tested on the earthquake simulator at Korea Research Institute of ships & ocean Engineering which is located in Tae-Duck. The test Structure models a prototype structure having multi -bays in transverse direction and one-bay in longitudinal direction. The structure were designed according to conventional design practice, with seismic leteral forces ansspecified in 1988 Korean Seismic Building Code. The experiments include earthquake simulation tests having one horizontal component(Parallel to the One-bay direction of the test structure) with acceleration histories modeled after Taft N 21 E component. Several earthquake simulations were conducted, having intensities from low to high. This report documents design, fabrication, testing, and observed response of the test structure, Interpretations of the observed response are presented.