Development of a two-dimensional model for the thermohydraulic analysis of the hot pool in liquid metal reactors

Abstract The SSC-K code has been developed at KAERI based on SSC-L originally developed at BNL to analyze loop-type LMR transients. Because the dynamic response of the primary coolant in a pool-type LMR, particularly the hot pool concept, can be quite different from that in the loop-type LMR, major modifications of SSC-L have been made for the safety analysis of the KALIMER. In particular, it is necessary to predict the hot pool coolant temperature distribution with sufficient accuracy to determine the inlet temperature conditions for the IHXs because the temperature distribution of a hot pool can alter overall system response. In this paper a two-dimensional hot pool model is developed and compared with the experimental data. A preliminary evaluation of unprotected loss of heat sink accidents for the KALIMER design with updated SSC-K code has been performed and analyzed.