WP 4b compressible flow simulation ISNaS 88.05.028. Information system for flow simulation based on the Navier-Stokes equations (ISNaS): Requirements grid generation for the ISNaS compressible flow solver
ISNaS is an acronym for Information System for flow simulation based on the Navier-Stokes equations. The Information system ISNaS will eventually consist of the subsystems geometry handling, grid generation, flow solver, and post processing (e.g. flow visualization). In the current ISNaS project, however, only the flow solver subsystem will be developed. In this document, the requirements for the susbsystem grid generation are given. Since the development of the subsystem grid generation is not part of the ISNaS project, and existing NLR subsystems will be used 'as is', the restriction has been made to the requirements essential for the generation of a suitable grid for viscous compressible flow simulation.
This report concludes the activities in work package 4.2.2 (Requirements grid generation) of the ISNaS project.