Landmarks in Linguistic Thought: The Western Tradition from Socrates to Saussure

1. Socrates on Names 2. Aristotle on Metaphor 3. The Bible on the Origin and Diversification of Language 4. Varro on Linguistic Regularity 5. Quintilian on Linguistic Education 6. Thomas of Erfurt on the Modes of Signifying 7. Caxton on Dialects 8. The Port-Royal Grammar: Arnauld and Lancelot on the Foundations of Grammar 9. Locke on the Imperfection of Words 10. Condillac on the Origin of Language and Thought 11. Horne Tooke on Etymological Metaphysics 12. Humboldt on Linguistic and Mental Diversity 13. Mller on Linguistic Evolution 14. Saussure on Language and Thought.