Influence of an Electric Field on the Dielectric Loss of the Liquid Crystal p‐Azoxyanisole

This work involves the alignment of molecules in the anisotropic liquid phase of p‐azoxyanisole due to externally applied dc and ac electric fields and walls of the sample holder. Microwave techniques involving dielectric measurements are used to provide a measure of the alignment. Results are discussed which suggest that for very pure samples an alignment should be produced with the long axes of the molecules perpendicular to the externally applied electric field. The alignment with the long axes parallel to the external field which is often observed appears to be due to an extremely small amount of impurity. This alignment appears to be associated with the conductivity, with an alignment produced such that the conductivity is a maximum in the direction of the field. Results are also discussed which suggest that small amounts of impurity are effective in producing an alignment of the molecules parallel to the walls of the sample holder.