Representation Based Meta-Learning for Few-Shot Spoken Intent Recognition

Spoken intent detection has become a popular approach to interface with various smart devices with ease. However, such systems are limited to the preset list of intents-terms or commands, which restricts the quick customization of personal devices to new intents. This paper presents a few-shot spoken intent classification approach with task-agnostic representations via meta-learning paradigm. Specifically, we leverage the popular representation based meta-learning learning to build a taskagnostic representation of utterances, that then use a linear classifier for prediction. We evaluate three such approaches on our novel experimental protocol developed on two popular spoken intent classification datasets: Google Commands and the Fluent Speech Commands dataset. For a 5-shot (1-shot) classification of novel classes, the proposed framework provides an average classification accuracy of 88.6% (76.3%) on the Google Commands dataset, and 78.5% (64.2%) on the Fluent Speech Commands dataset. The performance is comparable to traditionally supervised classification models with abundant training samples.

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