Produção e qualidade do leite em sistemas de produção da região leiteira de Pelotas, RS, Brasil

This research was aimed at characterizing milk yield and quality of three production systems at Pelotas dairy region. From September 2001 up to August 2002, nine dairy production units were visited for 11 months. Production units were classified as specialized (S), partially specialized (PS) and non-specialized (NS). Bulk tank milk was sampled to analyze physical and chemical attributes and somatic cells count (SCC). Mastitis percentage and 4% fat-corrected milk yield were evaluated. A completely randomized split-plot design was adopted. Cryoscopic index differed between specialized and non-specialized systems (P<0.10), but all values were within the normal range. Specialized system showed lower mastitis occurrence than partially specialized and non-specialized systems (P<0.10). Production systems did not differ for 4% fat-corrected milk yield, contents of protein, casein, fat, lactose, solids non-fat, total solids, non-protein nitrogen, as well as titrable acidity and somatic cells count. Higher technology level application reduced mastitis occurrence, contributing to a better milk quality.