Polarization/depolarization of non-diffusive anisotropic photon-scattering biomedical tissues

Tissue is optically anisotropic and highly photon-scattering medium. It has long been treated as optically diffusive medium in bio-medical applications. The diffusion equation of isotropic photon-density wave (PDW) was widely applied to interpret the data of reflectance spectroscopy and biomedical imaging experiments. In our recent transmission Stokes imaging experiment of the rat liver samples, the Mueller matrix elements were measured and analyzed theoretically. The measured data of depolarization constant has shown that the optical property is not perfectly diffusive. Based upon our recently developed theoretical model of anisotropic and highly photon-scattering medium, the simulated results of anisotropy, photon-scattering and depolarization property for the reflectance/backscattering experiment are reported.