Challenges in image acquisition and distribution for clinical image service.

We have developed a centralized application for acquiring images from multiple picture archiving and communication systems (PACS) and distributing images to a clinical image web server and other repositories. Our flexible strategy addresses a number of administrative challenges associated with delivering images into clinical, research, and test environments. DICOM images flow from PACSs and modalities to a UNIX-based "distributor" application, which relays them to one or more destinations. Image volume and transmission times were collected and analyzed. Three distributors receive an average of 34 gigabytes of image data per day. Images are sent concurrently to two web-based image servers, one used clinically by physicians and one used for testing. Transmission of certain classes of studies is prioritized for key physician groups. Delivery to research systems is also supported. Acquiring images from multi-vendor PACS for distribution to a web server for clinical image viewing is a challenging task. Centralizing the acquisition and distribution process reduces both the administrative effort and the impact on clinical operations associated with maintaining dynamic clinical, testing, and research environments.