Plot Analysis for Role Playing Game Scenario based on the Structures of the Quests

本研究はコンピュータゲームの中でRole Playing Gameと呼ばれるジャンル(以降、RPG)の 物語構造を分析した.対象としては「ドラゴンクエスト」シリーズ,「ファイナルファンタジー」 シリーズの二作品を選出した.頻出が想定される物語の要素に基づいてタグを作成し,対象作品 を分析した.その結果,基本的なRPGのシナリオはクエストと呼ばれる物語の単位の連続・入れ 子構造で成り立っており,そのクエスト自体は「発生」「経過」「結末」の三つの要素で書き表せ ることが明らかになった. In this study, we analyzed the story structure of a genre called Role Playing Game (RPG) in computer games. Two works, the "Dragon Quest" series and the "Final Fantasy" series, were selected as targets. The analysis was done by the tags based on the elements of stories that are expected to appear frequently. As a result, it is clear that the basic RPG scenario consists of a continuous and nested structure of narrative units called quests, and that the quest itself can be expressed by three elements: "occurrence", "elapse", and "ending". 情報知識学会誌 2020 Vol. 30, No. 2