Experiments and computational analyses were completed to understand the nature of shrouded stator cavity flows. From this understanding, a one-dimensional model of the flow through shrouded stator cavities was developed. This model estimates the leakage mass flow, temperature rise, and angular momentum increase through the cavity, given geometry parameters and the flow conditions at the interface between the cavity and primary flow path. This cavity model consists of two components, one that estimates the flow characteristics through the labyrinth seals and the other that predicts the transfer of momentum due to windage. A description of the one-dimensional model is given. The incorporation and use of the one-dimensional model in a multistage compressor primary flow analysis tool is described. The combination of this model and the primary flow solver was used to reliably simulate the significant impact on performance of the increase of hub seal leakage in a twelve-stage axial-flow compressor. Observed higher temperatures of the hub region fluid, different stage matching, and lower overall efficiencies and core flow than expected could be correctly linked to increased hub seal clearance with this new technique. The importance of including these leakage flows in compressor simulations is shown.
A. Shabbir,et al.
Assessment of Three Turbulence Models in a Compressor Rotor
Edward J. Hall,et al.
Parameterized study of high-speed compressor seal cavity flow
W. F. McGreehan,et al.
Power Dissipation in Smooth and Honeycomb Labyrinth Seals
Mark L. Celestina,et al.
A Numerical Simulation of the Inviscid Flow Through a Counterrotating Propeller
L. P. Ludwig.
Gas path sealing in turbine engines
M. L. Celestina,et al.
A model for closing the inviscid form of the average−passage equation system
A. B. Turner,et al.
A Three Dimensional Computational Study of Windage Heating Within an Axial Compressor Stator Well
J. L. Jefferson,et al.
Some shrouding and tip clearance effects in axial flow compressors1
John J. Adamczyk,et al.
The Numerical Simulation of a High-Speed Axial Flow Compressor
C. R. Lejambre,et al.
1995 ASME Gas Turbine Award Paper: Development and Application of a Multistage Navier–Stokes Flow Solver: Part II—Application to a High-Pressure Compressor Design