Studio courses: How information technology is changing the way we teach, on campus and off

Over the last decide, the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute studio classroom model has been applied in various engineering, science, mathematics, and other courses, both at Rensselaer and at other campuses. The studio classroom was designed to provide an interactive learning environment that incorporates the advances in computing and communication and builds upon the cognitive science research on how people learn. In many cases, the studio course replaces the large enrolment course, combining lecture, rectitation, and laboratory into one interactive faculty that is as comfortable as it is high tech. The introduction of the studio courses has led to a better learning environment for both the students and the faculty members. Attendance in classes and student evaluations both improved. To some extent the studio classroom works to change the focus from the lecturer to the student. It requires that the student take some of the responsibility for the learning process. The studio classroom was recognized by the Theodore Hesburgh Award, the Pew Prize, the Boeing Award, and other honors.