Characteristics of vitiligo in Lagos, Nigeria.

BACKGROUND Vitiligo is disfiguring in the darker racial ethnic group as a result of the sharp contrast between the normal skin and the depigmented skin. OBJECTIVE To describe the epidemiology and clinical profile of vitiligo patients at the dermatology clinic of an urban tertiary hospital of Lagos University Teaching Hospital. METHODS All consecutive patients with a diagnosis of vitiligo seen at the Dermatology Clinic between October 2003 and October 2006, were included in the study. The diagnosis of vitiligo was made based on the clinical findings of depigmented macules or patches with a sharp margin, normal texture, intact sensations and no scaling. RESULTS The diagnosis of vitiligo was made in 186 (2.8%) patients, with a slight female preponderance. Vitiligo affected all age groups: the youngest presented at age one and the oldest at eighty six years of age. The face and the limbs were the most affected parts of the body. Fifteen (0.81%) patients presented with features suggestive of associated autoimmune disease like, Type 1 Diabetes. CONCLUSION The frequency of vitiligo in this study is similar to those obtained in previous studies from different parts of Nigeria. The patients will benefit from other modalities of management apart from the medical management offered hence a designated centre for management of vitiligo will be a respite to them.