Experimental study on deep well dynamic disaster prediction of force-electricity-heat multi-parameter monitoring technology
Mining activities cause coal stress in front of the working face to redistribute,coal fracture,gas migration and so on,then the internal energy and potential energy of the inner coal change continual,and radiating the charge,electromagnetic energy outwards lead to coal stress and coal temperature changing.Using coal stress,coal charge and coal temperature multi-parameter monitoring technology monitor coal pressure,coal charge and coal temperature continually,which may judge the situation of coal stress changing,gas migration and so on,and make sure the risk level of coal seam dynamic disaster.Field trial research show:when gas-filled coal stress mutate,the charge of the coal radiation increase,coal temperature decrease,and at the stage of stess stationary changing coal temperature and coal charge signal are basically stable.Therefore,the results of monitoring coal stess,coal temperature,coal charge can be used to judging the risk of coal seam dynamic disaster,and coal stess,coal temperature,coal charge monitoring technology may supply and verify mutually,increasing reliability of the dynamic disaster prediction.Force-electricityheat multi-parameter prediction technology may improve the accuracy of the dynamic disaster prediction,providing reliable guarantee for safe production in coal mines.