Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) is an assisted reproductive technique [4] (ART) initially developed by Dr. Gianpiero D. Palermo [5] in 1993 to treat male infertility [6]. It is most commonly used in conjunction with in vitro [7] fertilization [8] (IVF) or a less commonly used technique called zygote intrafallopian transfer [9] (ZIFT). In natural fertilization [8], the sperm [10] must penetrate the surface of the female egg [11], or oocyte [12]. When the male has a fertility problem such as low sperm [10] count, malformed sperm [10] shape, or sperm [10] immobility, there is a significant decrease in the chance a healthy sperm [10] will penetrate the outer surface of the oocyte [12]. Other fertility problems ICSI can be used to overcome include the sperm [10] having trouble attaching to the egg [11] or the male having a blockage in his reproductive tract preventing normal ejaculation. In this procedure, the physician first obtains the sperm [10] and oocytes from the male and female and then manually injects the sperm [10] through a needle into the oocyte [12] to fertilize it in an injection plate. The physician then places the fertilized egg [13] into the female’s uterus [14] for implantation [15], following IVF or ZIFT procedures.

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[15]  H. Schuppe,et al.  Genome wide identification of promoter binding sites for H4K12ac in human sperm and its relevance for early embryonic development , 2012, Epigenetics.

[16]  A. Iaconelli,et al.  Artificial oocyte activation with calcium ionophore A23187 in intracytoplasmic sperm injection cycles using surgically retrieved spermatozoa. , 2008, Fertility and sterility.

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