Program outcomes for enabling and culminating course: Process system engineering and design project

Program outcomes (POs), are measured for chemical and biochemical engineering programs in the Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, UKM. The measurement is done either through direct, indirect method or both. This study highlights the POs achievement from two different courses (enabling and culminating type), in order to compare the overall PO achievement. These courses are namely Process System Engineering and Final Year Design Project. Both courses were chosen because almost all POs for the program is measured through the course outcomes (COs) of both courses. Firstly, mapping was done between COs against relevant POs. Results showed that all POs measured through the courses were achieved, with marks above 50 %. Of all measured POs, PO12 (management and financial project) has the lowest %, possibly due to its low impact to the program as compared to others. The student’s grade distribution for FYDP (culminating) was found to be smaller since all students obtained grades around A and Aonly, whereas PSE (enabling) course has greater range of grades from A to B as they have a significant difference in evaluation. As a conclusion, the measured POs of the programs are achieved based on the POs evaluation and grades obtained.