Analytical model for point and line tunneling in a tunnel field-effect transistor

The tunnel field-effect transistor (TFET) is a promising candidate for the succession of the MOSFET at nanometer dimensions. In general, the TFET current can be decomposed into two components referred to as point tunneling and line tunneling. In this paper we derive a compact analytical model for the current due to point tunneling complementing the previously derived analytical model for line tunneling. We show that the derived analytical expression for point tunneling provides a more consistent estimate of the TFET current than a commercial device simulator. Both the line and point tunneling current do not show a fixed subthreshold-slope. Three key parameters for design of a TFET are: bandgap, dielectric thickness and source doping level. A small bandgap is beneficial for a high TFET on-current and a low onset voltage. Point tunneling and line tunneling show a strong dependance on gate dielectric thickness and doping concentration respectively.