The Ninth Workshop on Heterogeneous Computing: HCW 2000

Abstract : This grant funded the proceedings of the 9th Heterogeneous Computing Workshop (HCW 2000), which was held in May 2000. HCW 2000 was part of the 14th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, which was sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Parallel Processing and help in cooperation with ACM SIGARCH. Heterogeneous computing systems range from diverse elements within a single computer to coordinated, geographically distributed machines with different architectures. A heterogeneous computing system provides a variety of capabilities that can be orchestrated to execute multiple tasks with varied computational requirements. Applications in these environments achieve performance by exploiting the affinity of different tasks to different computational platforms or paradigms, while considering the overhead of inter-task communication and the coordination of distinct data sources and/or administrative domains. Topics representative of those relevant to heterogeneous computing include: network profiling, configuration tools, scheduling tools, analytic benchmarking, programming paradigms, problem mapping, processor assignment and scheduling, fault tolerance, programming tools, processor selection criteria, and compiler assistance.