Does Tectogrammatics Help the Annotation of Discourse?

In the following paper, we discuss and evaluate the benefits that deep syntactic trees (tectogrammatics) and all the rich annotation of the Prague Dependency Treebank bring to the process of annotating the discourse structure, i.e. discourse relations, connectives and their arguments. The decision to annotate discourse structure directly on the trees contrasts with the majority of similarly aimed projects, usually based on the annotation of linear texts. Our basic assumption is that some syntactic features of a sentence analysis correspond to certain discourselevel features. Hence, we use some properties of the dependency-based large-scale treebank of Czech to help establish an independent annotation layer of discourse. The question that we answer in the paper is how much did we gain by employing this approach. TITLE AND ABSTRACT IN CZECH Pomaha tektogramatika při anotaci diskurznich vztahů?