Supposewe have measured correspondingpoints in a pair of -dimensionalimages,andwant to compute a similarity transformrelatingthem. Sucha situationoccursfor examplein Image-guidedSurgery, wherevery accuratealignmentsare required,and attainedthroughthe useof markers, or ultrasoundcalibrations[4]1. A similarity transformcombinesa scalinganda rigid bodytransformation.Theleastsquaressolutionis known, and theorthogonalrigid bodypartgaineda nameastheOrthogonal Procrustes Problem [6]. On theotherhand,the scalingfactorgetsmaybelessattentionthanit deserves,in particularits potentialbias. It is apparentlysimpler, but, comparedto rotations,thestandardleastsquaresolution[2] is not symmetric, in thesensethatcomputingin thereversedirectiongivesa differentanswer , this is currentlyan importantissuefor non linear registration,so it seemsimportantto clarify it for linearones.Also, thedistinctionbetweenfor examplearesizingof theobject,and a resizingof theimageoftendoesnot appearclearly.
Jay B. West,et al.
Point-based registration under a similarity transform
SPIE Medical Imaging.
John C. Gower,et al.
Statistical methods of comparing different multivariate analyses of the same data
S. Umeyama,et al.
Least-Squares Estimation of Transformation Parameters Between Two Point Patterns
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell..
P. Schönemann,et al.
A generalized solution of the orthogonal procrustes problem
P. Schönemann,et al.
Fitting one matrix to another under choice of a central dilation and a rigid motion
Isaac N. Bankman,et al.
Handbook of medical imaging
R W Prager,et al.
Rapid calibration for 3-D freehand ultrasound.
Ultrasound in medicine & biology.