Plagiarism as a Violation of Scientific and Academic Integrity
Plagiarism is unauthorized appropriation of other people’s ideas,
processes or text without giving correct credit and with intention to
present it as own property. Appropriation of own published ideas or
text and passing it as original is denominated self-plagiarism and
considered as bad as plagiarism. The frequency of plagiarism is
increasing and development of information and communication
technologies facilitates it, but simultaneously, thanks to the same
technology, plagiarism detection software is developing. There are diff
erent software solutions for checking plagiarism. Most of them are
based on concordance, i.e., comparison of text where program tools
isolate and mark correspondent parts of the text and calculate its rate
regarding the whole text. Several programs, besides comparing the
texts, also search the Internet aiming for text with corresponding
content. All programs can compare text written in the same language but
translingual comparison with plagiarism detection software is not yet
possible. The software is available through computer programs (WCopyfi
nd) or Web Services (eTBlast, CrossCheck). Their advantage is in the
possibility of fi nding the original source paper. eTBlast is the free
of charge web based service for searching corresponding and highly
similar scientific paper abstracts (it searches also Medline database),
which served as the ground for constructing Deja vu database.
Web based service CrossCheck is accessible only for members (academic
institutions and journals) and by using computer similarity algorithm
iThen cate of company iParadigms (Oakland, CA, USA), it checks
accordance of the given text with the complete texts in the CrossCheck
database. It is organized by collaboration of journal editorial boards
and publishers who pass the published papers to the base and enable
searching of content usually protected by subscription. The importance
of recognizing and teaching plagiarism in the academic community at all
levels of education is enormous. Scientific journal editors and
scientists should fight together against unethical researches which are
opposite to the scientific idea and harmful for scientific community
and society, critically read and examine scientific publications,
report plagiarism and other suspicious research misconduct to journal
editorial boards and institutional authorities.