Sequencing Problems in Two-Server Systems

We analyze a service system in which two identical servers move one at a time along a linear array of N positions. Requests for service, each designating one of the N positions, join a first-in-first-out queue, where processing of the nth request does not begin until processing of the (n − 1)th requested is completed. Processing the nth request entails determining which server to move, moving this server to the requested position, and then performing the service. Several potential applications of the model are mentioned, the most notable being the design of computer storage systems with multiple access devices. Within a simple probability model we compare server-selection policies in terms of the equilibrium expected distance a server is moved in processing a request. Distance is measured under two regimes, both assigning a unit distance between adjacent positions. In the first, the positions are thought of as equally spaced along a line (interval), and in the second, equally spaced along a circle (positi...