[논문] 네트워크분석기법을 이용한 보행자 서비스 질 평가지표 개발 및 적용

This article proposes new method for estimating pedestrian Quality Of Service(QOS) that is useful to change pedestrian environment by examining pedestrian quality of service as well as developing new method that integrate qualitative variables into the estimating indicators for the pedestrian movement right. Based on survey questionnaire addressed to experts group, the obtained data for the indicators were analyzed through Analytic Network Process(ANP). The results show that commercial and business zone have pedestrian traffic flow (quantitative rate: 30%), sidewalk usage behavior (qualitative rate: 23%), and sidewalk landscape (qualitative rate: 14%) in order, which shows that quantitative items like pedestrian traffic flow are the most important. Also, for residential zone, the result shows pedestrian traffic flow (quantitative rate: 25%), sidewalk usage behavior (qualitative rate: 22%), and sidewalk geometric (quantitative rate: 16%) in order. In both cases, pedestrian's sidewalk usage behavior and sidewalk landscape with 37% ensures that the qualitative aspect is relatively important. To conclude, the qualitative index such as sidewalk usage behavior have a relatively high importance compared with other indicators. This study also indicates the pedestrians tend to evaluate the quality of service with composite quantitative indicator(e.g. pedestrian traffic flow and sidewalk geometric). The composition affects the decision making of pedestrians for quality of service, therefore it is desirable to use analytic network process.