A method for ensuring anonymity for AIDS antibody screening away from blood banks at alternate sites.

To the Editor.— Places other than blood banks must be provided for persons in high-risk groups for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome to have free screening tests for human T-cell lymphotropic virus type III/lymphadenopathy-associated virus antibodies. These places, referred to as "alternate sites," may be Board of Health Clinics where blood samples can be collected and counseling provided. Anonymity is absolutely essential to ensure the successful operation of such alternate sites for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome antibody screening. Only then can the use of alternate sites be expected to safeguard the blood supply. We have, since May 18, 1985, utilized the following scheme. The Hoxworth Blood Center has a bar code label printing device. Alternate sites are supplied with a series of four attached identical bar code labels. When a person requests testing for the presence of antibodies to human T-cell lymphotropic virus type III/lymphadenopathy-associated virus, one label is used for the specimen