Project based vs. subject based distance learning

In this round table, we want to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of project vs. subject based formal distance learning. While the integration of competences in meaningful clusters based on projects is tempting, doing so turns out to be a challenge. Participants discuss the issue, share experiences, and brainstorm for innovative approaches to project based distance learning. Increasingly, education discovers the advantages of project based education. Rather than organising learning based on a taxonomy of contents, courses and classes, even programs, are using projects to create meaningful clusters of competences. However, most elearning environments are not really project friendly. They may offer tools for communication among team member and reporting of project most mostly lack a structure that correlates with (complex) projects, and also evaluation of competences originating form different courses/subjects tends to be cumbersome. Outcomes Participants in the round table discuss the advantages of subject vs project based distance learning, share experiences, and brainstorm about innovative approaches to project based distance learning.