Studies on growth and reproduction of Hirudinaria manillensis in Guangdong Province
Object To study the dynamic growth and reproduction of Hirudinaria manillensis Lesson in laboratory with providing the data of artificially breeding leech in the field. Methods The newly hatched juvenile from same cocoon were bred in 80 cm×60 cm×50 cm aquaria with natural water from rice paddy and weighted every ten days. Water temperature was recorded daily and water was exchanged monthly. Ten chemical elements of water from rice paddy were analyzed in the laboratory. Leeches were allowed to engorge the blood on living rabbits and the amount of engorged blood was measured every time to observe the growth and development, record the copulation and cocoon-deposit, and make the curve of dynamic growth of the leech. Results The newly hatched juvenile grew and developed for 14 months to sexual maturation period by engorging rabbit's blood of five or six times. The leeches were still juvenile in the first three times of engorging, became subadult in the fourth. Then some developed to the sexual maturation period individually in the fifth, and some individually in the sixth. The curve of dynamic growth displayed rising and falling with the record of copulation and cocoon deposit. Conclusion The above study elucidate the dynamic growth, reproduction and the successfully breeding of leeches in the door.