Abstract : The present article is a contribution to the problem of the composite representation of a signal by a two-dimensional distribution of energy in a domain defined by two axes, the time axis and the frequency axis. The author proposes such a distribution, using operators analogous to those used in quantum mechanics. He thus obtains a definition of the instantaneous spectrum of a signal, and of the distribution of the energy corresponding to one frequency. By integration (with respect to time) of the instantaneous spectrum (which varies with time) the spectrum, in the usual sense of the word, is recovered. The author defines the instantaneous frequency of a signal in the same way, using the notion of a complex signal (obtained by the complex extension of the real signal when time is considered as a complex variable). These notions of instantaneous frequency and of the instantaneous spectrum are introduced to furnish a firm theoretical basis for studies of frequency modulation, of continuous harmonic analysis, of frequency compression, and, in a general way, of all the problems for which classical harmonic analysis furnishes a description which departs too far from physical reality. (Author)