Assessment and acceleration of binding energy calculations for protein–ligand complexes by the fragment molecular orbital method

In the field of drug discovery, it is important to accurately predict the binding affinities between target proteins and drug applicant molecules. Many of the computational methods available for evaluating binding affinities have adopted molecular mechanics‐based force fields, although they cannot fully describe protein–ligand interactions. A noteworthy computational method in development involves large‐scale electronic structure calculations. Fragment molecular orbital (FMO) method, which is one of such large‐scale calculation techniques, is applied in this study for calculating the binding energies between proteins and ligands. By testing the effects of specific FMO calculation conditions (including fragmentation size, basis sets, electron correlation, exchange‐correlation functionals, and solvation effects) on the binding energies of the FK506‐binding protein and 10 ligand complex molecule, we have found that the standard FMO calculation condition, FMO2‐MP2/6‐31G(d), is suitable for evaluating the protein–ligand interactions. The correlation coefficient between the binding energies calculated with this FMO calculation condition and experimental values is determined to be R = 0.77. Based on these results, we also propose a practical scheme for predicting binding affinities by combining the FMO method with the quantitative structure–activity relationship (QSAR) model. The results of this combined method can be directly compared with experimental binding affinities. The FMO and QSAR combined scheme shows a higher correlation with experimental data (R = 0.91). Furthermore, we propose an acceleration scheme for the binding energy calculations using a multilayer FMO method focusing on the protein–ligand interaction distance. Our acceleration scheme, which uses FMO2‐HF/STO‐3G:MP2/6‐31G(d) at Rint = 7.0 Å, reduces computational costs, while maintaining accuracy in the evaluation of binding energy. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

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