An Approach to Optimal Web Service Composition Based on QoS and User Preferences

Service Oriented Architectures enable a multitude of Web services  to provide loosely coupled and interoperable services at different Quality of Service level in the recent few years. This paper presents a framework to facilitate dynamic service composition, selection and adaptation of QoS-aware Web services. Considering both functional and QoS characteristics of Web services, this framework intends to generate the optimal travel process solutions for tourists in spite of their locations and preferences. For many Web services providing a similar functionality, our study primarily focus on the issue about services selection with multi-constraints. In this paper, we propose a Web service selection model with global constraints and design a Multi-choice, Multi- dimension genetic algorithm (MMGA) . Experimental results show that within a finite number of evolving generations this algorithm can generate a set of no dominated Pareto optimal solutions which satisfy to user's QoS requirements.