학교급식을 통한 학급공동체 형성 프로그램 개발 및 적용
This study developed the program based on school foodservice and investigated the it's effects on making the sense of class community. The subjects were 106(6th grade) elementary school children and divided into two groups: control and experimental. Experimental period was two months. The effects of the program were evaluated by the differences between pre and post level of the sense of class community. The results were as follows. First, the program was developed to make the elementary school children's sense of class community and composed of seven activities which based on school foodservice; making school foodservice rules, keeping order and table etiquette, self distribution of school foodservice, composing and singing a school foodservice song of our class, researching the effect of school foodservice of our class, making school foodservice which our class want, boasting school foodservice of our class. Second, four psychological factors of the sense of class community(sense of a member of a class community, sense of mutual affects, integration and satisfaction of need, and emotional relations) were maintained and promoted in experimental group. But this program did not affect practical factors(sense of obeying procedure, protection of environment) in experimental group. The result, which this program did not affect practical factors of the sense of class community, was from short experimental period. Therefore experimental period should be longer for the effect that this program can make and promote even the practical factors of the sense of class community,