Lecanorchis seidenfadeni (Orchidaceae, Vanilloideae), a new orchid species from Malaya.

The genus Lecanorchis Blume (Orchidaceae, connective is very thick but rather narrow, some Vanilloideae) embraces about five species distribtimes protruding apically and forming a kind of uted across a large area between Burma, Indonecrest at the back of the anther. It may be covered sia, New Guinea, the Pacific islands, Philippines, with glandular hairs. There are four oblong, Taiwan, and Japan (Seidenfaden 1978, Seidenslightly falcate and powdery pollinia. The pollen faden & Wood 1992). The species are saprophytes, grains occur as monads. The staminodes are wing producing numerous clustered, tuberous roots and like, fused with the filament and usually forming an erect, branched or unbranched stem. A very a spacious apical clinandrium, which is sometimes characteristic feature of Lecanorchis is the presmore or less lobed, hiding the basal half of the ence of a calyculus, a cup-like structure between anther. The stigma is ventral, confluent, and slit perianth base and ovary apex. The flowers are like. Probably only the lateral stigma lobes are usually campanulate-opened. The morphology of fertile. They are erect, adnate to the middle lobe, the gynostemium is unique. It is erect, rather sienand their outer surface is covered by fleshy papil der and elongate. The column part is prominent, lae. The rostellum is erect, ligulate, truncate, and connate with the lip margins just below the stigma, does not produce a viscidium of any kind (Szla The anther base is situated above the rostellum chetko & Rutkowski 2000; Fig. 1). and the stigma. The anther is motile, erect to In 1993 the senior author had the opportunity subincumbent, ellipsoid-ovoid, with two parallel to examine the alcohol-preserved flowers of Orchi chambers. The filament is connate with staminodaceae kept in Dr. Seidenfaden's collection in des, or sometimes free at the apex only. The Borholmsgaard. During this study an unusual