Taking a New-Generation Manager Perspective to Develop Interface Designs

Digital natives are increasingly populating organizations' management. As they have higher expectations with respect to IS accommodating their (non-functional) user prefe­rences, interfaces of management support systems (MSS) are becoming more important. We develop design guidelines for new MSS interfaces from a new-generation manager perspective. We compile a set of requirements from a literature review and based on a multiple-case study we synthesize five guidelines: (1) use sparklines to present informa­tion at a glance and complement them with tooltips to access details, (2) support eco­nomic value-added concepts as a must-have and be aware that self-service predictive analyses make them more valuable, (3) draw managers' attention to critical events in real-time by sending notifications to their smart devices, (4) to harvest the knowledge of different users, integrate collaboration capabilities into MSS interface designs, (5) align different information media with managers' device selection and do not forget their mobile offline use situations.

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