A low cost and compact Adaptive Optics (AO) system for a small aperture telescope (Meade LX200ACF 16”) has been developed at UNSW Canberra, where its performance is currently being evaluated. It is based on COTS components, with the exception of a real time control loop implemented in a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), populated in a small form factor board which also includes the wavefront image sensor. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) running in an external computer connected to the FPGA imaging board provides the operator with control of different parameters of the AO system; results registration; and log of gradients, Zernike coefficients and deformable mirror voltages for later troubleshooting. The U.S. Air Force Academy Falcon Telescope Network (USAFA FTN) is an international network of moderate aperture telescopes (20 inches) that provides raw imagery to FTN partners [1]. The FTN supports general purpose use, including astronomy, satellite imaging and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) support. Currently 5 nodes are in operation, operated on-site or remotely, and more are to be commissioned over the next few years. One of the network nodes is located at UNSW Canberra (Australia), where the ground-based space surveillance team is currently using it for research in different areas of Space Situational Awareness (SSA). Some current and future SSA goals include geostationary satellite characterization through imaging modalities like polarimetry and real time image processing of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) objects. The fact that all FTN nodes have the same configuration facilitates the collaborative work between international teams of different nodes, so improvements and lessons learned at one site can be extended to the rest of nodes. With respect to this, preliminary studies of the imagery improvement that would be achieved with the AO system developed at UNSW, installed on a second 16 inch Meade LX200ACF telescope and compared to the existing UNSW Canberra FTN telescope are reported. The ongoing, side-by-side test results of the AO system compared to those obtained without correction are reported.
Fernando Rosa,et al.
Atmospheric wavefront phase recovery by use of specialized hardware: graphical processing units and field-programmable gate arrays.
Applied optics.
D. Coburn,et al.
High Speed Optical Wavefront Sensing with Low Cost FPGAs
Christopher Dainty,et al.
Low-cost adaptive optics systems
Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation.
Francois Rigaut,et al.
Simulating Astronomical Adaptive Optics Systems Using Yao
Gleb Vdovin,et al.
Integrated adaptive optics system for small telescopes
Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation.
Andrew Lambert,et al.
Real-time algorithms implemented in hardware for centroiding on a Shack-Hartmann Sensor
Scott W. Teare,et al.
A lightweight adaptive telescope
SPIE Optics + Photonics.