Integration in Water Resource Management: Challenges, Concepts and Opportunities

Abstract : Recognition of similar objectives for meeting the challenges of water resource management led to the conduct of a forum involving the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and those participating in research in support of the European Union's (EU) Water Framework Directive (WFD: European Commission 2002). The forum provided a unique opportunity to explore common issues and challenges, and identify potential collaborative efforts for overcoming such challenges. Central themes discussed were (1) system-wide concepts in water resource management, (2) conceptual issues in system-wide modeling, and (3) computing challenges in model integration and application. Clear from these discussions was the existence of similar conceptual and technical challenges, including an ineffective dialog between practitioner groups, the need to address uncertainty, and a requirement to develop common modeling frameworks. Participants also identified a number of opportunities for positive action. Key to pursuing these opportunities will be an effective and continuing dialog.