Anomaly detection in hyperspectral imagery: statistics vs. graph-based algorithms

Anomaly detection (AD) algorithms are frequently applied to hyperspectral imagery, but different algorithms produce different outlier results depending on the image scene content and the assumed background model. This work provides the first comparison of anomaly score distributions between common statistics-based anomaly detection algorithms (RX and subspace-RX) and the graph-based Topological Anomaly Detector (TAD). Anomaly scores in statistical AD algorithms should theoretically approximate a chi-squared distribution; however, this is rarely the case with real hyperspectral imagery. The expected distribution of scores found with graph-based methods remains unclear. We also look for general trends in algorithm performance with varied scene content. Three separate scenes were extracted from the hyperspectral MegaScene image taken over downtown Rochester, NY with the VIS-NIR-SWIR ProSpecTIR instrument. In order of most to least cluttered, we study an urban, suburban, and rural scene. The three AD algorithms were applied to each scene, and the distributions of the most anomalous 5% of pixels were compared. We find that subspace-RX performs better than RX, because the data becomes more normal when the highest variance principal components are removed. We also see that compared to statistical detectors, anomalies detected by TAD are easier to separate from the background. Due to their different underlying assumptions, the statistical and graph-based algorithms highlighted different anomalies within the urban scene. These results will lead to a deeper understanding of these algorithms and their applicability across different types of imagery.